benin republic independence - zonlin


new statue in benin republic
Statue of monument Amazone


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zonlin design


Zònlin is a festive march in the spirit of a carnival that will be organised every (1st of August) to celebrate Benin’s Independence Day revealed.

On the occasion of Independence Day (August 1), Zònlin aims to bring together the Beninese public, ex-pats and the world for a festive march to celebrate the country’s progress towards development.

The first edition of Zònlin is scheduled for the day of August 1, 2022, and for the next 1st of August.

The concept is to walk from the Red Star to the Friendship Stadium while festively (carnival ways) dressing in the tricolour of the Beninese flag (green, yellow and red). The Republican police will follow the crowd to ensure security during the march to the destination. There will be refreshment stands on arrival.

We target all those who live in Benin.
To participate in Zónlin it’s free and unrestricted. You also had the option to buy the T-shirt, caps or hoodies available in different colours and sizes.

For our first edition, we estimate the participation of about 2000 people.